Marie-Christin Juhl, M.Sc.

Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut und
Lehrstuhl für Geodätische Geodynamik (Prof. Seitz)

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Tel.: +49 (89) 23031-1210
Fax.: +49 (89) 23031-1240

Academic Career

  • since 11/2021, Research associate at Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut der TU München (DGFI-TUM)
  • 2019/10 - 2021/10, Master of Science: Ocean and Climate Physics, Hamburg University
  • 09/2020 - 09/2021, student assistant at Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon, Geesthacht (working group: Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes)
  • 10/2018 - 09/2019, student assistant at Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University (working group: Physics of Isotopologues)
  • 2014/10 - 2019/03, Bachelor of Science: Physics, Heidelberg University



Passaro M., Juhl M.-C.: On the potential of mapping sea level anomalies from satellite altimetry with Random Forest Regression. Ocean Dynamics, 73(2), 107-116, 10.1007/s10236-023-01540-4, 2023 (Open Access)



Juhl M.-C., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Saraceno M.: Wind as driver of sub-annual SLA on South Brazil and Patagonian shelf. Coastal Altimetry Workshop and Coastal Altimetry Training , Cadiz, Spain, 2023
Passaro M., Juhl M.-C.: On the potential of mapping sea level anomalies from Copernicus Marine Service with Random Forest Regression. EGU 2023, Wien, 2023


Juhl M.-C., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Saraceno M.: Wind as driver of sub-annual sea level anomalies on South Brazil and Patagonian Shelf. Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space Conference (OSTST), 2022 (Poster)

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