Posters/Presentations 1999

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Adam J., Augath W., Boucher C., Bruyninx C., Dunkley P., Gubler E., Gurtner W., Hornik H., von der Marel H., Schlüter W., Seeger H., Vermeer M., Zielinski J.B.: The European reference system coming of age. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Angermann D., Drewes H.: The ITRS and Plate Kinematics. Les Journées 99 & IX. Lohrmann- Kolloquium, Dresden, 1999
Angermann D., Klotz J., Reigber C.: Realization of a terrestrial reference frame for large-scale GPS networks. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Bosch W.: Langzeitbestimmung der absoluten dynamischen Topographie. WOCE Abschlußtagung, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 1999 (Poster)
Bosch W.: Variations of Geocenter and Earth Orientation Deduced from Estimates of Ocean Mass Redistribution. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999 (Poster)
Bosch W.: Meeresspiegelanstieg-Beweis durch Satellitenaltimetrie. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 1999
Bosch W.: A remark on the computation of the derivatives of Legendre functions. EGS XXIV. General Assembly, Den Haag, Niederlande, 1999
Bosch W., Drewes H., Kaniuth K., Kahle H., Hernandez N.: Sea-level changes and vertical crustal movement in the southern Caribbean from satellite altimetry, tide gauge records and GPS height determinations. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Dill R.: Regionale und globale hydrologische Einflüsse auf die Erdrotation. Seminar über Astronomie, Geodäsie und Erdrotation, Bonn, 1999
Dill R., Drewes H., Richter B., Schuh H.: Influences of Hydrological Mass Redistributions on Earth Rotation. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Drewes H.: Medición y procesamiento de datos GPS. Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, Bogotá, Kolumbien, 1999
Drewes H.: Geodetic datum constraints on plate tectonic and crustal deformation models (APKIM 9.0). XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999 (Poster)
Drewes H.: The geoscience of global change: Space geodesy and global sea level. Deutscher Landesausschuß für das Internationale Lithosphärenprogramm, Bonn, 1999
Drewes H.: Monitoring the sea level and vertical crustal movements in the South Atlantic along the coast of Argentina. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Drewes H.: Problemática de los sistemas de referencia vertical. Escuela de Ingeniería Geodésica. La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1999
Drewes H.: Die Arbeiten des DGFI in den Jahren 1998/99. Jahresvollsitzung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission (DGK), 1999
Drewes H.: The development of the ISGN: Status and perspectives. XXII IUGG Gen.Ass., Birmingham, UK, 1999
Drewes H.: Control gravimétrico de alta precisión a lo largo del lámite de las placas de América del Sur y del Caribe. IV Reunión Técnica, IPGH Comisión de Geofísica, Tucumán, Argentina, 1999
Drewes H.: Geoforschung mit dem Global Positioning System. Wissenschaftsforum 'Geoforschung und Satelliten', GEOSPECTRA, Düsseldorf, 1999
Drewes H.: Einrichtung und Laufendhaltung überregionaler Bezugssysteme. Universität der Bundeswehr München, 1999
Drewes H.: Sistema de referencia vertical por mareógrafos y altimetría satelital (SIRVE MAS) en Argentina. IV Reunión Técnica, IPGH Comisión de Geofísica, Tucumán, Argentina, 1999
Drewes H.: Regional crustal deformations caused by the 1997 Cariaco earthquake from repeated GPS observations. AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, USA, 1999
Drewes H., Beutler G., Bosworth J., Boucher C., Herring T., Mueller I.I.: The International Space Geodetic and Gravimetric Network (ISGN). XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Drewes H., Bosch W., Kaniuth K., Hernandez J.N., Hoyer M., Wildermann E.: Realization of the vertical reference system in Venezuela. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Drewes H., Heidbach O.: Deformation model of the Mediterranean from geophysical data and from space geodetic observations. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1999
Kaniuth K.: Kalibrierung der Phasenzentren von GPS-Antennen. FH Neubrandenburg, 1999
Kaniuth K.: Crustal deformations in the Central Mediterranean derived from the WHAT A CAT GPS project. 13th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Viechtach, 1999
Kaniuth K.: Applying fiducial troposphere information to GPS densification networks. EUREF Symposium, Prag, Tschechien, 1999
Kaniuth K.: Kalibrierung von GPS-Antennen am DGFI. Workshop zur Festlegung des Phasen zentrums von GPS-Antennen, Bonn, 1999
Kaniuth K.,: Modellierung der troposphärischen Refraktion in der GPS-Ausgleichung. Univ. Karlsruhe, 1999
Kaniuth K.,: Sensitivity of height estimates in regional permanent GPS networks to antenna radomes. GPS 99, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999
Kaniuth K., Bosch W., Drewes H., Brunini C., Moirano J., Natali P.: The vertical reference system of Argentina. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Kaniuth K., Drewes H., Stuber K., Tremel H., Hernandez J.N., Hoyer M., Wildermann E., Kahle H.G., Geiger A.: Position changes due to recent crustal deformations along the Caribbean- South American plate boundary derived from the CASA GPS project. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Kaniuth K., Stuber K.: The impact of radomes on GPS height estimates. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Khazaradze G., Klotz J., Angermann D., Michel G., Reigber C.: 3D-Modeling of Inter-seismic Strain Accumulation in the Central and Southern Andes based on GPS Measurements. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1999
Klotz J., Angermann D., Michel G.W., Cifuentes O., Barriga R., Barintos S., Perdomo R., Viramonte J., Rios V.: Spatial and temporal variation of GPS-derived deformation in the Central and Southern Andes. XXII IUGG Gen.Ass., Birmingham, UK, 1999
Michel G., Angermann D., Reigber C., Wilson P., Becker M., Reinhart E.: Current kinematics of SE-Asia from GPS measurements and its implication in lateral expulsion in the Indian-Asian Continental Collision. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1999
Michel G., Becker M., Angermann D., Reigber C., Reinhart E.: Distribution of tectonic motion within and adjacent to SE-Asia: The GEODYSSEA project and ist recent results. The Third International Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999
Moirano J., Kaniuth K.: Systematic effects in GPS double difference phase residuals. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Reinhart E., Angermann D., Becker M., Michel G., Reigber C., Norbin S.: Improving the velocity field in South- and Southeast Asia: the third round of GEODYSSEA. The Third International Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999
Richter B.: Synthetic modelling of earth rotation. Tagung Mathematische Methoden der Geodäsie, Oberwolfach, 1999
Sánchez L., Martínez W., Florez J.A., Drewes H., Kaniuth K., Tremel H.: Connection of the Colombian vertical datum to the geocentric reference system. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Sánchez L., Tremel H., Drewes H.: The Colombian national geocentric reference frame. XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, 1999
Schmidt M.: Grundlagen der Signalverarbeitung. Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie der ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 1999
Schmidt M., Schuh H.: Abilities of the wavelet analysis for investigating short-period varia tions of Earth Rotation. EGS XXIV. General Assembly, Den Haag, Niederlande, 1999
Schmitz-Hübsch H.: Atmosphärische und ozeanische Einflüsse auf die Polbewegung. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie/Geophysik, Bucha, Thüringen, 1999
Schmitz-Hübsch H., Thomas M.: Oceanic and atmospheric influences on the earth orientation parameters. EGS XXIV. General Assembly, Den Haag, Niederlande, 1999
Schuh H.: Short-period Variations of Earth Rotation Observed by VLBI. Journées 1999 & IX. Lohrmann-Kolloquium, Dresden, 1999
Schuh H.: Short-period variations of the Earth rotation parameters as seen by VLBI. 13th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Viechtach, 1999
Schuh H.: Der Einfluß des Klimas auf die Erdrotation. Festkolloquium anläßlich des 60. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr. J. Campbell, Geodätisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Bonn, 1999
Schuh H.: Short periods of Earth rotation as seen by VLBI. EGS XXIV. General Assembly, Den Haag, Niederlande, 1999
Schuh H.: Report on 'Explanatory Supplement to the IERS Conventions (1996). Meeting of the IAG/ETC Working Group 6, Birmingham, UK, 1999
Schuh H.: VLBI Measurements of EOP. Journées 1999 & IX. Lohrmann-Kolloquium, Dresden, 1999
Schuh H., Kolaczek B., Kosek W.: Short Period Oscillations of Earth Rotation. IAU Colloquium 178, Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems, Cagliari, Italien, 1999
Schuh H., Richter B., Nagel S.: Analysis of Long Time Series of Polar Motion and Nutation. IAU Colloquium 178, Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems, Cagliari, Italien, 1999

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