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Abelen S., Seitz F., Abarca del, Güntner A.:
Signatures of droughts and floods in soil moisture and GRACE data in the La Plata Basin in South America. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Angermann D.:
GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards. BPS Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Angermann D.:
Inventory of IAG products: General issues and discussion. GGOS Days 2015, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2015
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Heinkelmamm R., Steigenberger P.:
GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards: Inventory of standards and conventions. IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Heinkelmann R., Steigenberger P.:
GGOS Büro für Produkte und Standards. Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015
Bloßfeld M.:
The contribution of geodesy to Earth system sciences (invited). IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Bloßfeld M.:
The key role of Satellite Laser Ranging towards the integrated estimation of geometry, rotation and gravitational field of the Earth. TU München, Germany, 2015
Bloßfeld M., Roggenbuck O., Seitz M., Angermann D., Thaller D.:
The impact of non-tidal atmospheric pressure loading on global reference frames. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
DTRF2014: Results of the analysis and impact of the contribution of the International Laser Ranging Service. ILRS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Boergens E., Dettmering D., Göttl F., Schwatke C., Seitz F.:
Water level variations within the Lower Mekong River network derived by satellite altimetry. Earth Oberservation for Water Cycle Science 2015, 2015
Boergens E., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Seitz F.:
Using the Hooking Effect in satellite altimetry data for water level time series estimation over smaller rivers in the Mekong basin. Hydrospace 2015, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2015
Boergens E., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Seitz F.:
Correcting the Hooking Effect in satellite altimetry data for time series estimation over smaller rivers. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Bosch W., Müller F., Dettmering D.:
Validating geostrophic currents of a dynamic ocean topography estimate with data of ARGO floats and surface drifters. EGU General Assembly 2015, 2015
Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W.:
Bestimmung der solaren Weltraumwetter-Impact-Parameter auf die terrestrische Ionosphäre und deren Vorhersage. Weltraum-Wetterworkshop am DLR, Neustrelitz, Germany, 2015
Cipollini P., Calafat F., Passaro M., Cotton D., Benveniste J.:
Global coastal altimetry data enable an improved look at coastal dynamics and sea level. AGU, San Francisco, USA, 2015
Dettmering D.:
Inlandaltimetrie. FGS Begutachtung, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2015
Dettmering D., Müller F., Bosch W.:
Validation of altimetry-derived Ocean Dynamic Topography by in-situ measurements of ocean currents. IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Bosch W.:
Latest results of DGFI’s multi-mission crossover analysis. OSTST 2015, Reston, VA, USA, 2015
Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Braakmann-Folgmann A., Boergens E.:
Monitoring of water level variations of inundation areas within the Pantanal Wetland. IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Drewes H., Sánchez L.:
Post-seismic crustal deformations after the 2010 earthquakes in the SIRGAS region. Symposium SIRGAS 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2015
Erdogan E., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M.:
Generation of global VTEC maps from low latency GNSS observations based on B-spline modeling and Kalman filtering. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Erdogan E., Durmaz M., Liang W., Kappelsberger M., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S.:
Development of a novel adaptive model to represent global ionosphere information from combining space geodetic measurement systems. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Fuchs M.:
GOCE - Enhanced gravity gradients along the orbit. IUGG 2015, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 2015
Fuchs M.:
GOCE - Enhanced gravity gradients along the orbit. EGU 2015, Wien, Österreich, 2015
Haberkorn C., Bloßfeld M., Bouman J., Fuchs M., McMillan M.:
Evaluation of different C20 coefficients for the determination of ice mass loss in Antarctica and Greenland. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Haberkorn C., Bouman J., McMillan M., Bloßfeld M., Fuchs M.:
Comparison of Antarctic basin scale mass change from GRACE/GOCE and CryoSat-2. IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Haberkorn C., Fuchs M., Ressler G., Schwatke C.:
Assessing the potential to increase the spatial resolution of water storage variations from a combination of GRACE and GOCE. EOFWCS 2015, Frascati, Italien, 2015
Hinrichs J., Bothmer V., Venzmer M., Erdogan E., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Boerger K., Brandert S., Goerres B., Kersten W., Bernert B., Florczak J.:
Ionosphere Response to EUV Emission from Post-eruptive Arcades. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Hugentobler U., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terrestrial geodetic datum parameters (PN6). Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2015
Hugentobler U., Seitz M., Angermann D., Panzetta F., Bloßfeld M., Panafidina N.:
Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terrestrial geodetic datum parameters - PN 6. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Hannover, Germany, 2015
Ihde J., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Sánchez L., Sideris M., Drewes H., Foerste Ch., Gruber Th., Liebsch G., Pail R.:
Definition and Realization of an International Height Reference System. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Ihde J., Sánchez L.:
Physical Height and the GGRF - Earth Gravity Field and the GGRF - - GGRF an Integrated Approach -. GGOS Days 2015, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2015
Lieb V.:
Erstellung einer Software-Anwendung zur Erzeugung hochgenauer regionaler Geoidmodelle als Höhenbezugsfläche in Einsatzgebieten. RegGRAV II Abschlusspräsentation, Projektabnahme 3. Meilenstein, Generalmajor-Freiherr-von-Gersdorff-Kaserne, Euskirchen, Germany, 2015
Lieb V., Seitz F.:
Geodetic Earth Observation from Space. DAAD Thematic Network Meeting, GIS, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015
Limberger M., Erdogan E., Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Durmaz M., Karslioglu M.:
Mapping the global TEC by means of an adaptive B-spline parametrization and space-geodetic techniques. Atlantic Radio-Science Conference 2015, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 2015
Müller F., Bosch W., Dettmering D.:
Vergleich der aus geodätischen Weltraumverfahren abgeleiteten, zeitvariablen Meerestopographie mit in-situ Beobachtungssystemen der Ozeanographie. Geodetic Week 2015, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2015
Müller F., Bosch W., Dettmering D.:
Validating geostrophic currents of a dynamic ocean topography with data of ARGO floats and surface drifters. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Müller F., Dettmering D., Bosch W.:
Pointwise comparison of geostrophic currents of altimetry-derived instantaneous Ocean Dynamic Topography with in-situ measurements. OSTST 2015, Reston, USA, 2015
Müller H., Bloßfeld M.:
Impact of range biases on global reference frames. ILRS technical Workshop, Matera, Italy, 2015
Panzetta F., Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Gerstl M., Seitz M.:
Geodetic parameter time series from Jason-2 and multi-satellite SLR solutions. IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Panzetta F., Bloßfeld M., Seitz M.:
Jason-2 POD and geodetic parameter estimation from SLR observations with DOGS-OC. Statusseminar FOR1503, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015
Ressler G., Boergens E., Buhl S.:
GRACE and Altimetry Data in the Amazon Basin: Analysis and Geostatistical Homogenisation. IGSSE Forum 2015, 2015
Ressler G., Boergens E., Buhl S.:
Monitoring and Prediction of Regional Water Availability for Agricultural Production under the Influence of Climate Anomalies and Weather Extremes (Status Report). IGSSE Water Focus Area 1’st Winter Workshop, 2015
Ressler G., Eicker A., Lieb V., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Shang K., Shum C.K.:
Water storage variations extracted from GRACE data by combination of multi-resolution representation (MRR) and principal component analysis (PCA). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Ressler G., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Shum C.K., Shang K.:
Water storage variations at different temporal scales derived from GRACE data by wavelet-based multi-resolution representation (MRR) and principal component analysis (PCA). Hydrospace 2015, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2015
Rudenko S., Esselborn S., Dettmering D., Schöne T., Neumayer K.-H.:
Impact of improved models for precise orbits of altimetry satellites on the orbit accuracy and regional mean sea level trends. EGU General Assembly 2015, 2015
Rudenko S., Neumayer K-H., Dettmering D., Esselborn S., Schöne T:
Improvements in precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites. OSTST 2015, Reston, VA, USA, 2015
Rudenko S., Neumayer K.-H., Dettmering D., Esselborn S., Schöne T:
New orbits of ERS-1, ERS-2, TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, Jason-1 and Jason-2 for altimetry applications and their validation. OSTST 2015, Reston, VA, USA, 2015
Sánchez L.:
Realisation of a vertical reference system for South America as a densification of an International Height Reference System. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Sánchez L.:
Unification of height systems in the frame of GGOS. EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Sánchez L.:
Recent activities of the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIRGAS). Symposium SIRGAS 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2015
Sánchez L.:
Kinematics of the SIRGAS Reference Frame. Symposium SIRGAS 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2015
Sánchez L.:
SIRGAS regional stations available for the second reprocessing of the SIRGAS reference frame. Symposium SIRGAS 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2015
Sánchez L.:
Lecture on Vertical Reference Systems. III Workshop of the SIRGAS Working Group III (Vertical Datum), Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, 2015
Sánchez L., Cunderlík R., Mikula K., Minarechová Z., Dayoub N., Síma Z., Vatrt V., Vojtísková M.:
A new best estimate for the conventional value W0 - Final Report of the WG on Vertical Datum Standardization -. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Sánchez L., Drewes H.:
Post-seismic crustal deformations after the 2010 earthquakes in Latin America. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Sánchez L., Drewes H., da Silva, De Almeida, Brunini C., Cioce V., Cisneros D., Gasca L., Guagni H., Mackern V., Moya J., Parada I., Sandoval P., Suárez O.:
SIRGAS: the core geodetic infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Sánchez L., Drewes H., Schmidt M.:
A post-seismic deformation model after the 2010 earthquakes in Latin America. EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Barzaghi R., Drewes H., Foerste Ch., Liebsch G., Marti U., Sideris M.:
Establishment of an International Height Reference System in the frame of GGOS. Symposium SIRGAS 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2015
Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Gerstl M.:
DGFI part of project PN 5 - status report. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Hannover, Germany, 2015
Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Angermann D.:
DGFI part of project PN 5 - status report. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2015
Schmidt M.:
Inverse Modeling in Ionospheric Research. 2015 SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues, Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, USA, 2015
Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W.F., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M.:
Globale VTEC-Modellierung auf Grundlage geodätischer Raumverfahren und sonnenbeobachtender Weltraummissionen in Nahe-Echtzeit. Weltraum-Wetterworkshop am DLR, Neustrelitz, Germany, 2015
Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W.F., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M. :
Low-latency global TEC modeling from space observations and localizing B-splines. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Liang W., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Seitz F., Brandert S., Börger K.:
Modelling of the global ionosphere by means of a data adaptive technique using observations acquired from various space geodetic systems. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Liang W., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Seitz F., Brandert S., Börger K., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J.:
Mapping the global TEC by means of an adaptive B-spline parametrization and space-geodetic techniques. SGI Workshop 2015, TUB Berlin, Germany, 2015
Schmidt M., Lieb V., Eicker A., Schall J., Gerlach C.:
Regional gravity field modeling using radial basis functions: comparisons with spherical harmonic solutions within IAG. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Schmidt M., Sebera J., Bouman J., Fabert O.:
Towards ellipsoidal representations of the Earth's gravitational field. Kolloquium der Leibniz-Sozietät – aus Anlass des 75. Geburtstages von Prof. Erik W. Grafarend, Berlin, Germany, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D.:
Classification of Altimeter Waveforms for an Improved Estimation of Water Level Time Series over Inland Water. 9th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, Reston, Virginia, USA, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D.:
DAHITI - An Innovative Approach for Estimating Water Level Time Series over Inland Water using Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry. 9th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, Reston, Virginia, USA, 2015-10-18/19, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Boergens E.:
Height Estimation and Error Assessment of Inland Water Level Time Series calculated by a Kalman Filter Approach using Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry. Mapping Water Bodies from Space 2015, Frascati, Italy, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Boergens E.:
Database for Hydrological Time Series of Inland Waters (DAHITI). Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Reston, Virginia, USA, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Boergens E.:
Height Estimation and Error Assessment ofcalculated by a Kalman Filter Approach usingInland Water Level Time Series Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Boergens E.:
Database for Hydrological Time Series of Inland Waters (DAHITI). Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science, Frascati, Italy, 2015
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Göttl F.:
Classification of altimeter waveforms for an improved estimation of water level time series over inland water. Hydrospace 2015, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2015
Seitz F.:
Hochgenaue Vermessung der Erde aus dem Weltraum - Aktuelle Arbeiten am Deutschen Geodätischen Forschungsinstitut. RegGRAV II final project presentation, Euskirchen, Germany, 2015
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M.:
Die aktuelle ITRS Realisierung des DGFI-TUM: DTRF2014. Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 2015
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M.:
ITRS 2014 Realization of DGFI: DTRF2014. IERS Directing Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Schmid R.:
2014 ITRS realization of DGFI: DTRF2014. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Schmid R.:
DTRF2014: The 2014 ITRS realization of DGFI-TUM. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D.:
Contribution of DGFI-TUM to ITRF2014. AGU 2015, San Francisco, USA, 2015
Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D.:
Contribution of DGFI-TUM to ITRF2014. IERS Directing Board Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2015
Singh A., Seitz F., Kumar U.:
Estimation and prediction of the ungauged basins using satellite remote sensing and state space model. IUGG, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Zlinszky A., Glira P., Boergens E., Pfeifer N.:
Comparing airborne LIDAR water surface heights with synchronous Envisat altimetry over Lake Balaton, Hungary. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2015