Posters/Presentations 2004
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Angermann D.:
Towards a refined realization of the terrestrial reference system. AGU Fall Meeting 2004, San Francisco, USA, 2004
Angermann D.:
Geometrische Referenzsysteme. INTERGEO2004, Stuttgart, 2004
Angermann D.:
First experiences with the official ILRS combination solutions. ILRS AWG meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2004
Angermann D.:
Towards a rigorous combination of space geodetic data. GEOTECHNOLOÃœGIEN Statusseminar, Potsdam, 2004
Angermann D.:
Results of CONT02 combination studies. IERS Combination Workshop, San Francisco/Napa Valley, USA, 2004
Angermann D.:
Realisierung des terrestrischen Referenzsystems. Geodätisches Kolloquium, FH Oldenburg, 2004
Angermann D.:
Terrestrial reference frame results derived from a combination of 'weekly' GPS, VLBI, SLR and DORIS normal equations. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Angermann D.:
Analysis of local tie information and biases. IERS Combination Workshop. San Francisco/Napa Valley, USA, 2004
Angermann D.:
Analysis and combination of weekly input data. IERS Combination Workshop, San Francisco/Napa Valley, USA, 2004
Angermann D., Krügel M., Meisel B., Gerstl M., Drewes H.:
TRF realizations at DGFI. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Statusseminar, Potsdam, 2004
Bosch W.:
Decoding and extracting altimeter data with binread. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Bosch W.:
Multimission crossover analysis. OST Science Team Meeting, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 2004
Bosch W.:
Using EIGEN-GRACE02S to investigate defectiveness of altimeter gravity data. IAG International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, GGSM2004, Porto, Portugal, 2004
Bosch W.:
Sea level anomalies - affected by variations of the reference frame. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Bosch W.:
Simultaneous crossover analysis for contemporary altimeter missions. ENVISAT Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2004
Bosch W.:
Untersuchungen mit GRACE-only Schwerefeldmodellen. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Bosch W.:
Validation of marine gravity data using GRACE gravity field models. Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam, 2004
Bosch W.:
Temporal and spatial variability of the bias between TOPEX- and GPS derived TEG. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Bosch W., Fenoglio-Marc L., Woeppelmann G., Liebsch G.:
Coastal sea surface topography from altruity, gravity, and tide gauge data (COSSTAGT). OST Science Team Meeting, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 2004
Dalazoana R., Bosch W., Savcenko R.:
Comparing sea level time series from altimetry and Brazilian tide gauges. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Drewes H.:
The reference frame for the Alpine Space GPS Network. INTERREG II B'Alpine Space GPS QUAKENET' Kick-off Meeting, Trieste, Italia, 2004
Drewes H.:
The ITRF for science and practice in the future. Geotechnologien Status-Seminar, Potsdam, 2004
Drewes H.:
El proyecto ?Sistema de Observación Geodésico Global? (GGOS) de la Asociación International de Geodesia (IAG). Congreso Ciencias de la Tierra, Santiago, Chile, 2004
Drewes H.:
Rezente Krustenbewegungen im Mittelmeer und in der Karibik - KooperationsÃœprojekte der ETH Zürich und des DGFI. Kolloquium H.-G. Kahle, Zürich, Switzerland, 2004
Drewes H.:
Deformaciones de la corteza terrestre en América del Sur y su importancia para los sistemas de referencia terrestre. Instituto Geográfico AgustÃn Codazzi, Bogota, Colombia, 2004
Drewes H.:
IAG`s Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) in its initial phase. SLR Workshop, San Fernando, Spain, 2004
Drewes H.:
Deformación de la corteza terrestre en América del Sur. Academia Politécnica Militar, Santiago, Chile, 2004
Drewes H.:
Deformaciones sÃsmicas y asÃsmicas de la corteza terrestre en América Central y del Sur determinadas por métodos geodésicos espaciales. Primer Congreso Latinamericano de SismologÃa, Armenia, Colombia, 2004
Drewes H.:
Procesamiento de información GPS con relación a marcos de referencia de épocas diferentes. SIRGAS Workshop, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2004
Drewes H.:
Realisierung terrestrischer Referenzsysteme durch die Dienste der IAG. Geodätisches Kolloquium, Univ. Innsbruck, Österreich, 2004
Drewes H.:
Curso ?Sistemas de Referencia en Geodesia?. Instituto Geográfico Militar, Santiago, Chile, 2004
Drewes H.:
Geodätische Astronomie, optische Satellitengeodäsie, Very Long Baseline InterfeÃœrometry - und was dann?. Festveranstaltung Prof. Dr. James Campbell, Bonn, 2004
Drewes H.:
Die Arbeiten des DGFI in den Jahren 2003/2004. DGK Vollsitzung, München, 2004
Drewes H.:
IAG`s Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). COSPAR 35th Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 2004
Drewes H.:
Forschungsprogramm 2005/2006 des DGFI. Sitzung des Beirats der DGK, München, 2004
Drewes H.:
Forschungsschwerpunkte des DGFI und Projekte auf dem Gebiet rezenter Krustenbewegungen. DGK Arbeitskreis 'Rezente Krustenbewegungen', Hannover, 2004
Drewes H.:
El sistema de observación geodésico global de la Asociación Internacional de Geodesia (IAG). Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004
Drewes H., Angermann D., Krügel M., Meisel B., Gerstl M., Seemüller W.:
ITRS Combination Center at DGFI TRF realizations and accuracy evaluation. AGU Fall Meeting 2004, San Francisco, USA, 2004
Heidbach O., Drewes H.:
Model of the interseismic velocity field of the South American continent. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
VLBI for climate studies. Geodetic Week, Stuttgart, Germany, 2004
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
IVS tropospheric parameters - combination status. IVS directing board meeting, Makuhari, Japan, 2004
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
Meteorological sensors at the VLBI stations. IVS directing board meeting, Makuhari, Japan, 2004
Kelm R.:
DGFI weekly SLR intra-technique combination. ILRS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Nice, France, 2004
Kelm R.:
DGFI updated weekly SLR intra-technique combination. ILRS Analysis Working Group Meeting, San Fernando, Spain, 2004
Kelm R.:
Konzepte und Resultate der offiziellen ILRS Kombinationszentren ASI und DGFI. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Kelm R.:
Extended modelling for 'weekly' inter-technique combination. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Kelm R., Meisel B.:
Statistical analyses for the combination of different geodetic space techniÃœques. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Statusseminar, Potsdam, 2004
Krügel M.:
Rigorose Kombination von hochaufgelösten Erdrotations- und Troposphärenparametern aus GPS und VLBI. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Krügel M.:
Bedeutung von Kolokationsstationen bei der Realisierung terrestrischer Referenzsysteme. Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 2004
Krügel M., Tesmer V., Angermann D., Thaller D., Rothacher M., Schmid R.:
Rigorous combination of GPS and VLBI to study reference frame related issues. IGS Workshop, Bern, Switzerland, 2004
Krügel M., Thaller D.:
FESG and DGFI results of the CONT02 Campaign. GEOTECHNOLOÃœGIEN Statusseminar; Potsdam, 2004
Kutterer H.:
Reliability measures for geodetic VLBI products. Third IVS General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 2004
Meisel B.:
Refined approaches for terrestrial reference frame computations. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 2004
Meisel B.:
Zeitreihenanalysen von Stationspositionen und verfeinerte TRF Berechnung aus 'wöchentlichen' Daten. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Meisel B.:
Comparison and combination of DORIS data with other space techniques. IOS Plenary Meeting, Paris, France, 2004
Meisel B., Angermann D., Krügel M., Miller R., Frey D.:
Seasonal signals in GPS, VLBI, SLR and DORIS site position time series. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Meisel B., Angermann D., Krügel M., Müller H., Tesmer V.:
Time series analysis of station coordinates and datum parameters. Geotechnologien Statusseminar, Potsdam, 2004
Mendes Cerveira, Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Weber R., Schuh H.:
GPS and VLBI results for geodynamic studies. Journees 2004, Luxembourg, 2004
Müller H.:
Multi year SLR solution. 14th Int. Workshop on Laser Ranging. San Fernando, Spain, 2004
Müller H.:
Results of the SLR tracking data quality control during the operational processing. 14th Int. Workshop on Laser Ranging, San Fernando, Spain, 2004
Panafidina N., Böhm J., Schuh H., Heinkelmann R.:
Long Time series of tropospheric parameters from very long baseline interferometry. Cospar 2004, Paris, France, 2004
Panafidina N., Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
Long Time series of Tropospheric Parameters from Very Long Baseline Interferometry. PORSEC 2004, Concepción, Chile, 2004
Sánchez L.:
Proposed realization of the South American Vertical Reference System. SIRGAS Workshop, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2004
Savcenko R.:
Kinematik des Meeresspiegels - ein neues Produkt?. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Savcenko R.:
Zeitreihenanalyse von Altimeterdaten. INTERGEO2004/Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 2004
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Residual tide analysis in shallow-water using T/P and T/P-EM. IAG International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, GGSM2004, Porto, Portugal, 2004
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Shallow-water tide analysis with complementary tracks of Jason1 and T/P-EM. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Schmidt M.:
A method for ingesting observed TEC into an empirical ionospheric model. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Schmidt M.:
Multi-resolution representation of regional gravity data. IAG International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions. GGSM2004, Porto, Portugal, 2004
Schmidt M.:
Multi-Resolutionsdarstellung des Gravitationsfeldes aus regionalen Datensätzen. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Schmidt M.:
Gravity field determination using multiresolution techniques. 2nd International GOCE User Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 2004
Schmidt M.:
Regional gravity modeling based on multi-resolution representation. Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2004
Schmidt M., Fabert O., Kusche J., Shum C.K., Han S.C.:
Multi-resolution representation of regional gravity data sets. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Seemüller W.:
IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (RNAAC SIR). SIRGAS Workshop, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2004
Seemüller W.:
Station positions and velocities of the IGS Regional Network for SIRGAS. SIRGAS Workshop, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2004
Seitz F.:
Atmosphärische und ozeanische Einflüsse auf die Rotation der Erde Ergebnisse eines dynamischen Erdsystemmodells. Seminar des Instituts für Meereskunde, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 2004
Seitz F.:
Zur Anregung der Chandler Schwingung. Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 2004
Seitz F.:
Atmosphärische und ozeanische Antriebe der Chandler Schwingung. Arbeitstreffen zum Thema 'Dynamisches Erdsystemmodell' im Rahmen des DFG Forschungsvorhabens 'Rotation der Erde', München, 2004
Seitz F.:
Consistent atmospheric and oceanic excitation of the Earth`s free polar motion. Workshop 'Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band. A contribution to understanding interannual climate variations'. Luxembourg, 2004
Seitz F.:
Atmosphärische und ozeanische Beiträge zur Anregung der Chandler Schwingung. FGS Workshop, Höllenstein, 2004
Tesmer V.:
CONT 02 campaign - combination of VLBI and GPS. Third IVS General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 2004
Tesmer V.:
An advanced stochastic model for VLBI observations and its application to VLBI data analysis. Third IVS General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 2004
Tesmer V.:
VLBI solution DGFI04R01 Simultaneous estimation of a TRF, CRF and the EOP using the software OCCAM. EGU 2004 General Assembly, Nice, France, 2004
Tesmer V.:
Consistent VLBI solution DGFI04R02P Simultaneous estimation of a TRF, CRF and the EOP. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Statusseminar, Potsdam, 2004
Tesmer V., Drewes H., Kutterer H.:
Simultaneous estimation of a TRF, the EOP, and a CRF. Third IVS General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 2004
Thaller D., Krügel M., Rothacher M., Angermann D., Schmid R., Tesmer V.:
Tropospheric parameters and subdaily EOP from combination of independent space geodetic data. AGU Fall Meeting 2004, San Franisco, USA, 2004