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Angermann D.:
Terrestrial Reference System Realizations: Status, Challenges and new Developments. Geomatik-Seminar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
Angermann D.:
GGOS Bureau for Standards and Conventions. GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
Angermann D.:
DGFI reference frame solution as contribution to ITRF2008. COST Action ES0701 Meeting: GIA model optimisation and ice mass balance, Brussels, Belgien, 2011
Angermann D.:
Entwicklungen zur Realisierung hochgenauer terrestrischer Referenzsysteme. Geodetic Week 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Angermann D.:
Linking Space, Satellites and Earth. DFG-Begutachtung der Forschergruppe Referenzsysteme, Bonn, Germany, 2011
Angermann D.:
Verknüpfung der geodätischen Raumbeobachtungsverfahren durch Ko-lokation auf Satelliten. DFG Rundgespräch, Intrastrukturschwerpunkt: Wissenschaftliche Nutzung des Geodätischen Observatoriums Wettzell, Höllenstein, Germany, 2011
Angermann D.:
Satellites and radiosources VLBI (proposed by R. Heinkelmann). DFG Rundgespräch, Intrastrukturschwerpunkt: Wissenschaftliche Nutzung des Geodätischen Observatoriums Wettzell, Höllenstein, Germany, 2011
Angermann D., Gruber T., Bouman J., Gerstl M., Heinkelmann R., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Steigenberger P.:
The importance of common standards and conventions for consistent GGOS products. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2011
Angermann D., Gruber T., Bouman J., Gerstl M., Heinkelmann R., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Steigenberger P.:
Report on GGOS Bureau for Standards and Conventions. GGOS Coordinating Board Meeting No. 1, San Francisco, USA, 2011
Angermann D., Richter B.:
PN5 Consistent celestial and terrestrial reference frames by improved modelling and combination. DFG-Begutachtung der Forschergruppe Referenzsysteme, Bonn, Germany, 2011
Biancale R., Gambis D., Richard J.-Y., Seitz M.:
Activity of the Combination at Observation Level Working Group. Journees 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Biancale R., Gambis D., Seitz M., Richard J.-Y., Loyer S., et al.:
IERS Working group on Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques at the Observation Level (COL). IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Biancale R., Gambis D., Seitz M., Richard J.-Y., Loyer S., Soudarin L., Thaller D., Springer T., Koenig R., Sciarretta C.:
IERS Working group on Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques at the Observation Level (COL). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Angermann D.:
Adjustment of EOP and gravity field parameter from SLR observations. EGU Vienna, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Angermann D.:
Adjustment of EOP and gravity field parameter from SLR observations. 17th Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
Benefits of SLR in epoch reference frames. 17th Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
A comparison of Epoch Reference Frames and Multi-Year Reference Frames. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
Zeitlich hoch aufgelöste Schätzung von TRF, EOP und SFK. Statusseminar der Forschergruppe Erdrotation, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
Stationskoordinaten und EOPs in Epochenreferenzrahmen. Geodetic Week 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Heinkelmann R., Angermann D.:
Estimation of EOP series by a combination of different space geodetic techniques. EGU Vienna, 2011
Bosch W., Dettmering D.:
ICESat and CryoSat-2 cross-calibration with classical radar altimeters. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Bosch W., Dettmering D.:
Global cross-calibration of satellite altimeters and possible synergies with absolute local calibrations. Workshop on Satellite Altimetry Calibration & Deformation Monitoring with GNSS, Chania, Crete/Greece, 2011
Bosch W., Savcenko R.:
Long-term evolution of the dynamic ocean topography as observed by satellite altimetry and GOCE. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Bosch W., Savcenko R.:
Dynamic ocean topography time series with meso-scale resolution from GOCE and multi-mission altimetry. AGU2011, San Francisco, 2011
Bosch W., Savcenko R.:
The challenge of GOCE and multi-mission altimetry: instantaneous dynamic ocean topography profiles with meso-scale resolution. OSTST Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2011
Bouman J., Ebbing J., Fuchs M., Gradmann S., Schmidt M., Bosch W., Schwatke C., Fattah R.A., Meekes S.:
GOCE gravity gradient invariants for Earth interior and geophysical exploration research. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2011
Bouman J., Ebbing J., Fuchs M., Schmidt M., Bosch W., Schwatke C., Fattah R.A., Meekes S., Abbink O., Schavemaker Y.:
Heterogeneous Gravity Data Combination for Earth Interior and Geophysical Exploration Research. GOCE User Workshop, Munich, Germany, 2011
Bouman J., Fiorot S., Fuchs M., Gruber T., Schrama E., Tscherning C.C., Veicherts M., Visser P.:
GOCE Level 2 Gravity Gradients. GOCE User Workshop, Munich, Germany, 2011
Bouman J., Fuchs M., Broerse T., Vermeersen B., Visser P., Schrama , Schmidt M.:
Modeling and Observing the 8.8 Chile 2010 and 9.0 Japan 2011 Earthquakes using GOCE. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Bouman J., Fuchs M., Schmidt M., Broerse T., Visser P., Schrama , Vermeersen B.:
The Earth`s time-variable gravity field observed by GOCE. GOCE+ ITT Theme 4 Negotiation Meeting, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2011
Bouman J., Schmidt M., Bosch W., Ebbing J., Fattah R.A., Abbink O., Schavemaker Y.:
Broerse T., Visser P., Bouman J., Fuchs M., Vermeersen B., Schmidt M.:
Brunini C., Sánchez L., Mackern V., Martínez W., Luz R.:
SIRGAS: Basis for Geosciences, Geodata, and Navigation in Latin America. Latin American Geospatial Forum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011
Dettmering D., Bosch W.:
First experiences with CryoSat-2 LRM data. Cryosat Validation Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 2011
Dettmering D., Bosch W.:
Multi-Mission cross-calibration: Latest results with new missions and products. OSTST Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2011
Dettmering D., Bosch W.:
Influence of latest orbit reprocessing on multi-mission altimetry. OSTST Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2011
Dettmering D., Bosch W.:
Multi-mission satellite altimetry: Comparing global relative and absolute in-situ calibrations. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Drewes H.:
Geodätische Ãœberwachung seismisch bedingter Deformationen in Lateinamerika. Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2011
Drewes H.:
Geodätische Ãœberwachung seismisch aktiver Zonen mit Beispiel des Erdbebens in Chile 2010. DVW Bayern, München, Germany, 2011
Drewes H.:
Sistemas y marcos de referencia. Curso en sistemas de referencia. Santiago de Chile, 2011
Drewes H.:
Los servicios cientÃficos de la IAG y el marco de referencia ITRF2008. Reunión SIRGAS, Heredia, Costa Rica, 2011
Drewes H.:
Geodätische Überwachung seismisch aktiver Zonen mit Beispiel des Erdbebens in Chile 2010. Fachhochschule Ansbach, Germany, 2011
Drewes H.:
Report 2007 - 2011 of the IAG Secretary General. IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Drewes H.:
Beobachtung des Wasserkreislaufs mit geodätischen Methoden. Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Seminar, 2011
Drewes H.:
150 Jahre Schweizerische Geodätische Kommission aus Sicht der IAG. Festveranstaltung, Zürich, Switzerland, 2011
Drewes H., Barrientos S., Sánchez L., Maturana R.:
The Maule earthquake in Chile, February 27, 2010. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Drewes H., Barrientos S., Sánchez L., Maturana R.:
The Maule earthquake in Chile, February 27, 2010. IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Drewes H., Sánchez L.:
Recent aseismic, co-seismic and post-seismic deformations in the pacific orogenic zone of Latin America. IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, JG06, 2011
Drewes H., Sánchez L., Brunini C., Mackern V.:
Cómo mitigar el impacto de eventos sÃsmicos en los marcos de referencia?. Reunión SIRGAS, Heredia, Costa Rica, 2011
Drewes H., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
Thoughts to future realizations of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Ebbing J., Bouman J., Gradmann S., Fuchs M., Fattah R.A.:
Use of GOCE gravity gradient data for lithospheric modeling - A case study for the NE Atlantic margin. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2011
Fattah R.A., Meekes S., Guasti E., Bouman J., Schmidt M., Ebbing J.:
Heterogeneous gravity data combination for geophysical exploration research; The applications of the GOCE satellite data for regional basin and petroleum system analysis (Example from the Arabian Peninsula). MAPG-AAPG 2nd International Convention, Conference and Exhibition, Marrakesh, 2011
Fattah R.A., Meekes S., Schavemaker Y., Guasti E., Bouman J., Schmidt M., Ebbing J.:
Heterogeneous gravity data combination for geophysical exploration research: Applications for basin and petroleum system analysis in the Arabian Peninsula. EAGE Arabian Plate Workshop, Kuwait, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
Modelling and reducing systematic errors in the GOCE gravity gradients. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
Pre-Analysis of the 8.8 Chile (Maule) and 9.1 Japan (Töhoku) Earthquake using GOCE gravity gradients. GOCE+ Theme4 TM#1, Delft, Netherlands, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
EGG_NOM_2 data quality and processing status. HPF-Progress Meeting, Milan, Italy, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
Modelling and reducing systematic errors in LNOF rotated GOCE gravity gradients. REAL-GOCE 4. Projekttreffen, Munich, Germany, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
Regional estimation of GOCE GGs with a 2D-Fourier series approach. 5. Real-GOCE Projekttreffen, Stuttgart, Germany, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J.:
Gravity gradient analysis. Mid-term review GOCE+ Theme4, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2011
Fuchs M., Bouman J., Bosch W.:
GOCE gravity gradients: Tensor rotation and quality assessments. GEOTechnologien Statusseminar Real-GOCE, Stuttgart, Germany, 2011
Fuchs M., Murböck M., Bouman J., Pail R.:
Goiginger H., Hoeck E., Rieser D., Mayer-Guerr T., Maier A., Krauss S., Fecher T., Gruber T., Brockmann J.M., Krasbutter I., Schuh W.-D., Jaeggi A., Prange L., Hausleitner W., Baur O., Kusche J.:
The satellite-only global gravity field model GOCO02S. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Göttl F., Hugentobler U., Schmidt M.:
Kombination geophysikalischer Anregungsfunktionen: Berechnung der Kofaktormatrix mit der 'N-cornered-hat' Methode. Geodätische Woche, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2011
Göttl F., Schmidt M., Heller M., Heinkelmann R.:
Geophysikalische Anregungsfunktionen aus geodätischen Raumbeobachtungsverfahren. Statusseminar Forschergruppe Erdrotation, Wien, Österreich, 2011
Heublein M., Schmidt M., Dettmering D.:
3-dimensionale B-Spline-Modelle des VTEC aus der Kombination verschiedener geodätischer Beobachtungsverfahren. Geodetic Week 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Hugentobler U., Seitz M., Angermann D.:
PN6 Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terrestrial geodetic datum parameters. DFG-Begutachtung der Forschergruppe Referenzsysteme, 2011
Liang W., Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Hugentobler U., Limberger M.:
Modeling the electron density of the ionosphere as a combination of physical and mathematical approaches. Geodetic Week 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Limberger M., Hugentobler U., Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Liang W.:
Effiziente Umsetzung der Integration der Elektronendichte innerhalb der Ionosphäre entlang des Signalweges. Geodetic Week 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Meekes S., Fattah R.A., Bouman J., Schmidt M., Ebbing J.:
Heterogeneous gravity data combination for geophysical exploration research: Linking satellite gravity to basin maturity. Geological Remote Sensing Group Workshop: Advances in Geological Remote Sensing (Including the Oil and Gas Earth Observation Group Workshop), ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2011
Mora-Diaz J., Heinkelmann R.:
Source structure correction in Geodetic VLBI. Geodätische Woche 2011, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2011
Mora-Diaz J., Heinkelmann R.:
Source structure correction in Geodetic VLBI. Journees 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Müller H.:
Statistical Analysis of SLR tracking in 20xx. 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2011
Richard J.-Y., Gambis D., Biancale R., Seitz M.:
Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques at the Normal Equation Level. ESA 3rd Int. Colloquium - Galileo Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Sistemas verticales de referencia (Lecture). Third IAG-PAIGH-SIRGAS school on reference systems, San José, Costa Rica, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Training course on GNSS analysis for the installation of a SIRGAS Processing Centre in Chile. Instituto Geográfico Militar, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Tipos de alturas, superficies de referencia y unificación de datums verticales (Lecture). Curso en sistemas de referencia, Instituto Geográfico Militar, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2011
Sánchez L.:
The role of TIGA in the vertical datum standardization. Twelfth Session of the GLOSS Group of Experts, Paris, France, 2011
Sánchez L.:
SIRGAS: marco de referencia para las Américas (Lecture). Curso en sistemas de referencia, Instituto Geográfico Militar, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Physical height systems in South America. STSE-GOCE+Height System Unification Progress Meeting 2, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Numerical approach for a unified World Height System. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Sánchez L.:
Procesamiento preciso de mediciones GNSS (Lecture). Curso en sistemas de referencia, Instituto Geográfico Militar, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2011
Sánchez L., Brunini C.:
Geoinformation and Navigation supported by the Geocentric Reference System for the Americas. International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-Based and Ground-Based Augmentation Systems and Applications Berlin, Germany, 2011
Sánchez L., Brunini C., Mackern V., Martinez W., Luz R.:
Status and new perspectives of the SIRGAS Reference Frame. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Sánchez L., Cioce V.:
Sistema de Referencia para las Américas - SIRGAS (Lecture). Curso avanzado en posicionamiento GNSS, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, 2011
Sánchez L., Luz R.:
Requerimientos para la unificación de los sistemas de alturas existentes en la Región SIRGAS. SIRGAS 2011 General Meeting, San José Costa Rica, 2011
Sánchez L., Seitz M.:
Actividades recientes del Centro Regional de Análisis Asociado del IGS para SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR). SIRGAS 2011 General Meeting, San José, Costa Rica, 2011
Sánchez L., Seitz M., Drewes H.:
Cinemática del marco de referencia SIRGAS. SIRGAS 2011 General Meeting, San José, Costa Rica, 2011
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Potential of multi-mission altimetry for detecting smal scale tidal structure. AGU2011, San Francisco, 2011
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Surface manifestation of baroclinic tides estimated from multi-mission-satellite altimetry. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Tides in shallow water from multi-mission-altimetry. 5th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, San Diego, USA, 2011
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
EOT11a - a new tide model from Multi-Mission Altimetry. OSTST Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2011
Savcenko R., Gebler M., Bosch W.:
Validation of recent tide models by means of crossover differences and time series of bottom pressure and tide gauges. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Scheinert M., Ewert H., Schwabe J., Lieb V., Dietrich R.:
Mean Sea-Surface Topography in the Weddell Sea Region, Antarctica, from ICESat Laser Altimetry and a Regional Geoid Solution. 25th IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Scheinert M., Lieb V., Schwabe J., Ewert H., Dietrich R.:
The Combination of ICESat Laser Altimetry, GOCE Satellite Gravimetry and Ground-Based Gravimetry for the Determination of the Mean Sea-Surface Topography in the Weddell Sea Region, Antarctica. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2011
Schmidt M.:
Multi-dimensionale Signalanpassung durch Spline-Funktionen (Keynote-Vortrag). Geodetic week, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
Schmidt M.:
Towards the combination of data sets from various observation techniques. QuGOMS`11, Garching/Munich, Germany, 2011
Schmidt M., Bouman J., Fuchs M., Dettmering D., Lieb V., Schrama E., Visser P., Vermeersen B., Broerse T.:
Greenland Ice Mass Variations Observed with GOCE. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2011
Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Liang W., Heinkelmann R.:
Concepts for modeling VTEC as a multi-scale representation. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011-04-04/08, 2011
Schmidt M., Fuchs M., Bouman J., Bosch W.:
Heterogeneous gravity data combination. GOCE+ ITT Theme 2 Negotiation Meeting, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2011
Schmidt M., Haberkorn C.:
GRACE L1b processing. GOCE+ Theme4 Mid-term review, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2011
Schmidt M., Heinkelmann R., Göttl F.:
Combination of time series of excitation functions by introducing operator software impact (OSI) parameters. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011-04-04/08, 2011
Schmidt M., Hugentobler U., Jakowski N., Dettmering D., Liang W., Limberger M., Hoque M., Wilken V.:
Multi-scale model of the ionosphere from the combination of modern space-geodetic satellite techniques. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011-04-04/08, 2011
Schmidt M., Lieb V.:
Regional Gravity Field Recovery. GOCE+ Theme4 Mid-term review, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2011
Schuh H., Nilsson T., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R.:
Space geodetic techniques used for estimating water vapor and climate trends. AOGS 8th Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011
Schwatke C.:
Automated Data Management of SLR Data and Products at the EUROLAS Data Center (EDC). 17th Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2011
Schwatke C.:
Messsysteme, Datengewinnung und Datenbereitstellung. Begutachtung des DGFI-Forschungsprogramms, Munich, 2011
Schwatke C., Bosch W., Koch T.:
Satellite Altimetry over Inland Water: A New Tool to Detect Geoid Errors!. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2011
Schwatke C., Bosch W., Koch T.:
Satellite Altimetry over Inland Water: A New Tool to Detect Geoid Errors!. 5th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, San Diego, USA, 2011
Schwatke C., Bouman J., Bosch W.:
Promotion. GOCE+ ITT Theme 2 Negotiation Meeting, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2011
Schwatke C., Forberg B.:
The EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) - Status Report 2011. 17th Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting, Germany, 2011
Seitz M.:
Simultaneous Adjustment of TRF and CRF. GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
Seitz M.:
Combination of different space geodetic data types in order to compute terrestrial reference frames and time series of geodetic parameters. QuGOMS, Garching, Germany, 2011
Seitz M., Heinkelmann R., Steigenberger P.:
Consistent Estimation of CRF and TRF. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Seitz M., Heinkelmann R., Steigenberger P., Artz T.:
Common Realization of Terrestrial and Celestial Reference Systems. European VLBI General Assembly, Bonn, Germany, 2011
Seitz M., Steigenberger P., Artz T., Heinkelmann R.:
Consistent adjustment of combined terrestrial and celestial reference frames. IUGG XXV General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 2011
Singh A., Seitz F., Schwatke C.:
Inter-annual Water Storage Changes in the Aral Sea from Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry, Remote Sensing, and GRACE Satellite Gravimetry. Geodetic Week 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, 2011
Singh A., Seitz F., Schwatke C., Schmidt M., Güntner A.:
Changing hydrology of the Aral Sea: Results from satellite altimetry, GRACE satellite gravimetry and hydrological modeling. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011
Steigenberger P., Hugentobler U., Schmid R., Hessels U., Klügel T., Seitz M.:
GNSS-specific local effects at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Wien, 2011
Veicherts M., Tscherning C.C., Bouman J.:
Cal/Val of GOCE gravity gradients using terrestrial data. GOCE User Workshop, Munich, Germany, 2011