Posters/Presentations 2005

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Angermann D.: Status of ITRF2004 computations at DGFI. IERS Directing Board Meeting No. 41, San Francisco, USA, 2005
Angermann D.: ITRF2004 computations at DGFI. IERS Workshop on Combination, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Angermann D., Drewes H., Krügel M., Meisel B.: Challenges towards a uniform terrestrial reference frame. AGU Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco, USA, 2005
Bosch W.: Impact of reference frame instabilities on satellite altimetry. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Bosch W.: About new gravity field models. IV Colóquio Brasileiro de Ciências Geodêsicas. Universidade Federal de Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brasil, 2005
Bosch W.: Wissenschaftliche Dienste der FAGS (IUGG/IAG) - Grundlagen für GGOS. DFG Hearing ,,Geoportale', Techn. Univ. Hannover, 2005
Bosch W.: Discrete crossover analysis. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Bosch W.: Satellite altimetry - multi-mission cross calibration. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Bosch W.: Die Meeresoberfläche - Narbengesicht einer sich wandelnden Erde. Wettzell, Bayer. Wald, 2005
Bosch W.: Satellite altimetry - status and perspectives. IV Colóquio Brasileiro de Ciências Geodêsicas, Universidade Federal de Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brasil, 2005
Bosch W.: Der globale Wasserkreislauf aus der Sicht der Geodäsie. Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005
Bosch W.: Lectures on satellite altimetry. Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brasil, 2005
Bosch W.: Combining CryoSat with classical altimeter systems. CryoSat Workshop, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2005 (Poster)
Bosch W., Savcenko R.: Gemeinsame Kreuzungspunktanalyse simultan messender Altimeter-satelliten. Geodetic Week 2005, Düsseldorf, 2005
Bosch W., Savcenko R.: Gemeinsame Kreuzungspunktanalyse simultan messender Altimetersatelliten. Geodetic Week 2005, Düsseldorf, 2005
Bourda G., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.: Analysis and comparison of precise long-term nutation series, strictly determined with OCCAM 6.1 VLBI software. Journées 2005, Warsaw, Poland, 2005
Drewes H.: SIRGAS en el marco de referencia global. Estado del ITRF2005. Reunión Técnica del Proyecto SIRGAS, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Drewes H.: Modelling tectonic plate motions and crustal deformation using the PB2002 model. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Drewes H.: GGOS Overview. First GGOS Workshop, Potsdam, 2005
Drewes H.: Sistema de Observación Geodésico Global. XX Reunión Consulta Cartografía IPGH, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Drewes H.: Die Arbeiten des DGFI im Jahr 2005. Vollsitzung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, München, 2005
Drewes H.: ITRF 2004 approach of the ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI. IERS Directing Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Drewes H.: Forschungsarbeiten des DGFI 2005-2006. DGK Beirat, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
Drewes H.: Assessing and forward planning of the Geodetic And Geohazard Observing System for GMES applications (GAGOS). GAGOS Project Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Drewes H.: Present-day plate kinematics and crustal deformation. Geophys. Kolloquium, Ludwig- Maximilian-Universität, München, Germany, 2005
Drewes H.: INTERREG III B Alpine Space Integrated GPS Network - DGFI Part. ALPS GPS-Quakenet Meeting, Grenoble, France, 2005
Drewes H.: Activities of IAG within the ad hoc Group on Earth Observations (GEO. Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 2005
Drewes H.: Integration der Raumbeobachtungsverfahren als Grundlage eines globalen geodätisch-geophysikalischen Beobachtungssystems (GGOS-D). GGOS-D Project Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Drewes H.: SIRGAS en el marco de referencia global Estado del ITRF2005. Reunión Técnica del Proyecto SIRGAS, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Drewes H.: The kinematic reference frame for ITRF. IERS Workshop on Combination, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Drewes H.: Global Reference Systems. INTERREG III B Alpine Space GPS-Quakenet Workshop, Milano, Italy, 2005
Drewes H.: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). FIG Working Week 2005 and GSDI - 8, Cairo, Egypt, 2005
Drewes H.: Probleme bei der Höhenbestimmung mit GPS. INTERGEO, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2005
Drewes H.: GGOS science rationale. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Long-term series of VLBI tropospheric parameters for climate studies. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: IVS long-term series of Tropospheric Parameters. 17th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Noto, Italy, 2005
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Homogenization of surface pressure records and its impact on long-term series of VLBI tropospheric parameters. 17th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Noto, Italy, 2005
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Combination of long time series of tropospheric parameters observed by VLBI. IERS Analysis Workshop on Combination, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Heinkelmann R., Tanir E., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Combination of tropospheric parameters observed by VLBI. Geodetic Week, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2005
Hornik H., Lüdecke C.: Wilhelm Filchner and Antarctica. 1st SCAR Workshop on History of Antarctic Research, Munich, 2005
Krügel M.: Frontiers in the combination of space geodetic tecniques. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Krügel M.: Advances in terrestrial reference frame computations. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Krügel M., Angermann D.: Strategies for the analysis and implementation of local tie information within the inter-technique combination. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Krügel M., Angermann D., Gerstl M., Meisel B.: Improved consideration of local ties in inter-technique combination. IERS-Workshop on combination, Potsdam, 2005
Krügel M., Angermann D., Gerstl M., Meisel B.: Improved consideration of local ties in inter technique combination. IERS Workshop on combination, Potsdam, 2005
Kusche J., Schmidt M., Han S.C., Sánchez L., Shum C.K., Xie J.: Regional high-resolution spatio-temporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets. AGU Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco, USA, 2005
Marcos M., Wöppelmann G., Karpytchev M., Bosch W., Fenoglio-Marc L., Liebsch G.: Sea level variability in the Gulf of Biscay from tide gauges and altimetry. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Meisel B., Angermann D., Drewes H., Krügel M., Müller H., Tesmer V.: The influence of time variable effects on the terrestrial reference frame. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Meisel B., Angermann D., Krügel M.: Accumulating intra-technique solutions from epoch normal equations. IERS Workshop on Combination, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Mendes Cerveira, Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Weber R., Schuh H.: Critical inspection of the terrestrial reference frame as derived by VLBI and GPS. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Potts L., Shum C.K., Ge S., Bilitza D.K., Schmidt M., Hobiger Th., Schuh H.: MURIM (MUlti-Resolution Ionosphere Model) Preliminary Results. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Sánchez L.: Definition and realisation of the SIRGAS vertical reference system within a globally unified height system. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Sánchez L.: Hacia un sistema vertical de referencia unificado para América del Sur. XX Reunión de Consulta de la Comisión de Cartografía del IPGH, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Sánchez L.: SIRGAS-GTIII Datum Vertical, Reporte 2005. Reunión SIRGAS, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Savcenko R.: Saisonale Variationen des Meeresspiegels aus Multi-Missions Altimetrie. Re-Organisation und De-Korrelation. Geodätische Woche 2005, Düsseldorf, 2005
Savcenko R.: Response Method of tidal analysis using BIN data. 3rd COSSTAGT project meeting, Darmstadt, 2005
Schmidt M.: Wavelet modelling in support of IRI. IRI 2005 Workshop, Tortosa, Spain, 2005
Schmidt M.: Hochauflösende regionale Schwerefelder. IAPG Seminar, TU Munich, 2005
Schmidt M.: Regional multi-resolution model of the gravity field from satellite and surface data. Regional Modelling Workshop, Potsdam, 2005
Schmidt M., Brunini C., Meza A.: Towards a regional modelling of the electron density of the ionosphere using GPS observations. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Schmidt M., Kusche J., Sánchez L., Shum C.K., van Loon J., Han S.-C.: High-resolution regional gravity model from satellite and terrestrial data using spherical wavelet theory. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Schmidt M., Tesmer V., Schuh H.: Wavelet analysis of nutation time series observed by VLBI. 17th European VLBI Meeting, Noto, Italy, 2005
Schmidt M., Tesmer V., Schuh H.: Wavelet analysis of the VLBI nutation series with respect to FCN. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Schmidt M., Zeilhofer C.: Ionospheric electron density determination based on GPS observations and B-spline representation. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference ,,Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Seemüller W.: Report on New Activities of IGS Regional Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR). SIRGAS Workshop, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Seitz F.: Random process excitation of the free polar motion of a dynamic Earth system model. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference 'Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Seitz F.: Ocean induced gravity field variations from satellite altimetry and ocean modelling. IAG, IAPSO, IABO Joint Conference 'Dynamic Planet 2005', Cairns, Australia, 2005
Seitz F.: Dynamisches Modell des Systems Erde. Evaluation of the research and development program 2006-2010 of the 'Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie' FGS, Kötzting, 2005
Seitz F.: Modellansätze zur Untersuchung zeitlicher Variationen des Schwerefelds und der geometrischen Figur der Erde. Arbeitstreffen zum Thema ,Dynamisches Erdsystemmodell` im Rahmen des DFG Forschungsvorhabens ,Rotation der Erde`, Hamburg, 2005
Seitz F.: Der Einfluss von Massenverlagerungen auf Rotation, Schwerefeld und OberflächenÃœgestalt der Erde. Meeting of the working group 'Dynamisches Erdsystemmodell' of the DFG-Project 'Rotation der Erde', Bonn, 2005
Seitz F., Schmidt M.: Atmospheric and oceanic contributions to Chandler wobble excitation determined by wavelet filtering. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Tesmer V.: CONT02 studying rigorously combined GPS and VLBI data. 17th European VLBI Meeting for Geodesy and Astrometry, Noto, Italy, 2005
Tesmer V.: Homogeneously reprocessed GPS and VLBI long time series first comparisons and future options. 5th IVS Analysis Workshop, Noto, Italy, 2005
Tesmer V.: Simultaneous estimation of a TRF, a CRF and the EOP using VLBI. IERS Workshop on Combination, Potsdam, Germany, 2005
Tesmer V.: Influence of the solution setup on DGFI estimated CRF solutions. 5th IVS Analysis Workshop, Noto, Italy, 2005

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