Posters/Presentations 2007

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Angermann D.: Importance of ITRF for regional reference frames. Workshop on Tectonic Geodesy, German Armed Forces University, Munich, 2007
Angermann D.: Combination issues and approach at DGFI. IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, USA, 2007
Angermann D.: On the strengths of SLR observations to realize the scale and origin of the terrestrial reference system. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Angermann D.: DGFI remarks related to the progress in understanding ITRF solution differences. IERS Directing Board Meeting No. 45, San Francisco, USA, 2007
Angermann D.: Stand der DGFI Arbeiten. GGOS-D Geotechnologien 4th project meeting. IGG, Universität Bonn, 2007
Angermann D., Drewes H., Krügel M., Meisel B., Gerstl M.: Effect of different ITRF computation strategies. EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.: Reassessment of hydrostatic zenith delays for radio space geodetic techniques determined from surface pressure values. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Bosch W.: Geometrie, Kinematik und Schwerefeld des Meerespiegels. Kolloquium, Insitut für Planetare Geodäse, Universität Dresden, 2007
Bosch W.: Numerical integration of ocean tides for an improved de-aliasing of GRACE gravity field models. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Bosch W.: On the vision of an International Altimeter Service - Inivitation to discuss IAS. IAS-Planning Group Splinter Meeting, Hobart, Australia, 2007
Bosch W.: Report on the work of the Inter-Commission Project ICP 1.1 Satellite Altimetry. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Bosch W.: Multi-Mission Altimetry: Joint estimation of relative range biases, radial errors and sea state biases for contemporary missions. ENVISAT Symposium 2007, Montreux, Schweiz, 2007 (Poster)
Bosch W.: Multi-mission cross calibration for contemporary altimeter systems - results with upgraded data. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting, Hobart, Australia, 2007 (Poster)
Bosch W.: Multi-mission cross calibration - results with upgraded altimeter data. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting, Hobart, Australia, 2007
Bosch W.: Multi-Mission Altimetry joint estimation of relative range biases, radial errors and sea state biases for contemporary missions. ENVISAT Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland, 2007 (Poster)
Bosch W.: Altimetrie - erste Lösungsansätze. GGOS-D Geotechnologien 4th project meeting, IGG, Universität Bonn, 2007
Bosch W.: Gezeitenmodelle und Altimetrie. Workshop of the DFG priority program SPP1257 'Oceanography, Hydrology, Ocean Tides and Gravity Field', Gummersbach, 2007
Bosch W.: Gezeitenmodelle und Altimetrie. Workshop of DFG priority prgram SPP1257 'Oceanography, Hydrology, Ocean Tides and Gravity Field', Gummersbach, Germany, 2007
Bosch W., Savcenko R.: Estimating the sea surface topography - profile approach with error examination. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Bosch W., Savcenko R.: A profile approach for the recovery of the mean dynamic topography. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Bosch W., Shum C.K., Woodworth P., Mitchum G.: Towards an International Altimeter Service (IAS) - a component of the Global Earth Observing System. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Drewes H.: Activities and Results of Project-Partner Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, München, Germany. EU CIP INTERREG IIIB Alpine Space Programme, Project Alpine Integrated GPS Network, Final Meeting, Trieste, Italia, 2007
Drewes H.: Neuordnung der geodätischen Forschungseinrichtungen in München. DGK Plenary Session, St. Gilgen, Austria, 2007
Drewes H.: IAG Commission 1 'Reference Frames' and the Global Geodetic Observing System. GGOS SC8 Meeting and Retreat, Oxnard, CA, USA, 2007
Drewes H.: Referenzsystem, Referenznetz und geodätisches Datum. INTERGEO / Geodetic Week, Leipzig, 2007
Drewes H.: Sistemas de referencia. Taller científico. Semana Geomática, Bogotá, Colombia, 2007
Drewes H.: GEO Capacity Building Committee (CBC) - Status Report February 2007. GGOS SC8 Meeting and Retreat, Oxnard, CA, USA, 2007
Drewes H.: On the ITRS datum specifications. IERS Workshop on Conventions, Sèvres, France, 2007
Drewes H.: Convergence of ITRF solutions realized with different strategies. IERS Directing Board Meeting No. 44. Vienna, Austria, 2007
Drewes H.: GGOS Working Group 'Conventions, Models, Analysis', Status Report February 2007. GGOS SC8 Meeting and Retreat, Oxnard, CA, USA, 2007
Drewes H.: Reference Systems, Reference Frames, and the Geodetic Datum - Introduction to the IAG Symposium GS001 and Report 2003-2007 of IAG Commission 1. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Symposium GS001 'Reference Frames', Perugia, Italy, 2007
Drewes H.: Geodetic monitoring of global change and natural hazards. EU CIP INTERREG IIIB Alpine Space Programme, Project Alpine Integrated GPS Network, Final Meeting, Trieste, Italia, 2007
Drewes H.: EU-Project 'Alps GPS Quakenet' im Community Initiative Programme (CIP) INTERREG IIIB 'Alpine Space. DGK-AK 'Rezente Krustenbewegungen', Frankfurt/Main, 2007
Drewes H.: Bericht über die Arbeiten des DGFI 2006-2007. DGK Plenary Session, St. Gilgen, Austria, 2007
Drewes H.: IAG Commission 1 'Reference Frames' - Highlights of the Period 2003 - 2007. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, IAG Opening Session, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Drewes H.: Retos futuros de la geodesia El Sistema de Observación Geodésica Global (GGOS). Semana Geomática, Bogotá, Colombia, 2007
Dutta R., Bhagat R.M., Singh A.: Monitoring tea plantations in India using remote sensing approaches. 7th FIG Regional Conference. Spatial Data Serving People: Land Governance and the Environment – Building the Capacity, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2007
Gerstl M.: Requirements of a user on the IERS conventions models. IERS Workshop on Conventions, Paris-Sevres, France, 2007
Gerstl M.: Safety and portability of IERS conventions software. IERS Workshop on Conventions, Paris-Sevres, France, 2007
Göttl F.: Contribution of non-tidal oceanic mass variations to Earth rotation determined from space geodesy and ocean data. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Göttl F.: Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic processes. Working group meeting of the DFG project 'Erdsystemmodell', DGFI, München, 2007
Göttl F.: Verknüpfung von Erdrotation, Schwerefeld und Geometrie mit geodätischen Raumverfahren 'Teil A Ãœberblick und Stand der DGFI Arbeiten. Statusseminar der DFG Forschergruppe 'Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse', Dresden, 2007
Göttl F., Dahle C., Schmidt R., Thomas M.: Polar motion excitations from geometric space techniques, geophysical models and weekly GRACE gravity field solutions. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: VLBI for climate studies. Turkish National Geodetic Commission Scientific Meeting 2007 (invited), Ankara, Turkey, 2007
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Effects of geodetic datum definition on the terrestrial and celestial reference frames determined by VLBI. 18th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Heinkelmann R., Schmidt M., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Long term trends of water vapour from VLBI observations. 18th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Krügel M.: Zur Berechnung des GGOS-D Referenzrahmens. Geotechnologien-Projekttreffen, Bonn, 2007
Krügel M.: GGOS-D Reference Frame Computations. GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Status Seminar, Bavarian Academy of Science and Humanities, Munich, Germany, 2007
Krügel M., Meisel B., Tesmer V., Angermann D.: Realization of terrestrial reference frames based on homogeneously processed data of different space geodetic techniques. AGU Fall Meeting 2007, San Francisco, USA, 2007
Kusche J., Schmidt R., Flechtner F., Barthelmes F., Schmidt M., Schmeer M.: Towards alternative gravity solutions from GRACE and future missions. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Luz R.T., Bosch W., Freitas S.R.C., Heck B.: Evaluating the Brazilian Vertical Reference System and Frame through Improved Coastal Satellite Altimetry Data. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Mayer-Gürr T., Bosch W., Eicker A.: Regional high resolution geoid determination by a combination of GRACE data and in-situ altimetry observations. IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Meisel B.: Akkumulieren von GGOS-D Beobachtungsreihen. GGOS-D Geotechnologien 4th project meeting, IGG, Universität Bonn, 2007
Mendes Cerveira, Heinkelmann R., Weber R., Schuh H.: Associativity in the datum definition of VLBI analysis and its implication on the terrestrial reference frame. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 2007 (Poster)
Müller H.: The potential of Starlette and Ajisai for station positioning. ILRS Fall Workshop, Grasse, France, 2007
Müller H.: Cooperation between stations and analysis, status and future. ILRS Fall Workshop, Grasse, France, 2007
Müller H.: Acceptance Tests for SLR Stations. IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, USA, 2007
Sánchez L.: SIRGAS working group III Vertical Datum. Report 2006 - 2007. SIRGAS 2007 meeting. II Semana Geomática del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC). Bogotá, Colombia, 2007
Sánchez L.: Sistemas verticales de referencia. Taller. II Semana Geomática del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC). Bogotá, Colombia, 2007
Sánchez L.: A new vertical reference system for South America. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting. Acapulco, Mexico, 2007 (Poster)
Sánchez L.: Vertical motion control of the tide gauges in the Atlantic as a part of the TIGA project. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007 (Poster)
Sánchez L.: Realización del nivel de referencia vertical para SIRGAS dentro de una definición global. II Semana Geomática del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC). Bogotá, Colombia, 2007
Savcenko R.: Potential der Multi-Missionsaltimetrie bei der empirischen Gezeitenmodellierung. Geodätische Woche 2007, Leipzig, 2007
Savcenko R., Bosch W.: Empirical ocean tide analysis of cross-calibrated multi-mission altimeter data. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Savcenko R., Bosch W.: Assessment of errors in global ocean tide models and their impact on GRACE gravity fields. A. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Savcenko R., Bosch W.: Residual Tide Analysis in Shallow Water - Contributions of ENVISAT and ERS Altimetry. ENVISAT Symposium 2007, Montreux, Schweiz, 2007
Schmeer M., Bosch W., Drewes H., Schmidt M.: Analysis of Atmospheric Density Variations - MaSiS: Separation of Mass Signals by Common Inversion of Gravimetric and Geometric Observations. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Schmidt M.: Regional multi-dimensional modeling of the ionosphere from satellite data. TUJK Annual Scientific Meeting, Ankara, Turkey, 2007
Schmidt M., Bilitza D., Shum C.K., Bosch W., Zeilhofer C., Yi Y., Tsai L.C., Cheng K.: Regional multidimensional modeling of the vertical total electron content from satellite data and IRI. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Schmidt M., Bilitza D., Shum C.K., Zeilhofer C.: Regional multi-dimensional modeling of the ionospheric electron density from satellite data and IRI. EGU Gen. Ass., Vienna, Austria, 2007
Schmidt M., Seitz F., Shum C.K., Wang L.: Modeling and Validation of GRACE Regional 4-D hydrological mass variations. EGU Gen. Ass., Vienna, Austria, 2007
Schuh H., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R.: Numerical weather models for troposhere delay modelling at radio wavelength. Turkish National Geodetic Commission Scientific Meeting 2007, Ankara, Turkey, 2007
Schuh H., Heinkelmann R.: Grundlagen der modernen Astrometrie; ICRS-Katalog. Austrian Astronomical Society, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Seemüller W.: The IGS regional network associate analysis centre for SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR). Workshop on Tectonik Geodesy, German Armed Forces University, Munich, 2007
Seemüller W., Drewes H., Abolghasem A.: Status of the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR). AGU Joint Assembly, Acapulco, 2007
Seemüller W., Krügel M., Drewes H., Abolghasem A.: The new position and velocity Solution DGF07P01 of IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2007
Seitz F.: Use of hydrological data for the geophysical interpretation of space geodetic observations. Cooperation Seminar, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz, 2007
Seitz F.: Modellergebnisse für die Polbewegung der Erde unter Verwendung eines gekoppelten Atmosphären-Ozeanmodells. Working group meeting of the DFG project 'Erdsystemmodell', DGFI, München, 2007
Seitz F., Schmidt M., Shum C.K., Chen Y.: Signals of Extreme Weather Conditions in Central Europe from GRACE 4D Wavelet Expansions. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Seitz F., Schmidt M., Shum C.K., Chen Y.: Signals of extreme weather conditions in Central Europe from GRACE 4-D wavelet expansions. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007
Shum C.K., Schmidt M., Lee H., Guo J., Wang L., Shum C.K., Shum C.K., Wu P., Braun A., van der Wal W., Wang H., Yuan D., Watkins M.: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Studies Using GRACE and Other Data. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Taguchi E., Stammer D., Savcenko R., Bosch W.: Toward high-resolution dynamical tidal modeling using HAMTIDE. Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, 2007
Tesmer V.: Experiences with CONT02 and GGOS-D. IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, USA, 2007
Tesmer V.: Comparison and Combination of Tropospheric Parameters. IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, USA, 2007
Tesmer V.: Effect of various analysis options on VLBI-determined CRF. 18th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Tesmer V.: Comparison of different models to estimate nutation and polar motion rates. 18th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Tesmer V., Wang H., Meisel B., Rothacher M.: Atmospheric loading coefficients from homogeneously reprocessed long-term GPS and VLBI height time series. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2007

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