Posters/Presentations 2016

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Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Benveniste J., Piccioni G.: A new Arctic 25-year Altimetric Sea-level Record (1992-2016) and Initial look at Arctic Sea Level Budget Closure. AGU - Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2016
Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Rose S.K., Svendsen P., Piccioni G.: Arctic Sea Level Change over the altimetry era and reconstructed back to 1950. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (Poster)
Angermann D.: Geodäsie – Die Vermessung der Erde im Wandel der Zeit. Vortragsreihe am Ignaz-Günther-Gymnasium, Rosenheim, Germany, 2016
Angermann D.: BPS overview of present activities and next steps. GGOS Days 2016, Cambridge, USA, 2016
Angermann D.: GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards. GGOS Coordinating Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Hugentobler U., Sanchez L., Heinkelmann R., Steigenberger P.: GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards: Recent activities and future work. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Bergstrand S., Haas R., Saunier J., Schmid R., Pavlis E.C., Long J.: Activities of the IERS Working Group on Site Survey and Co-location. 9th IVS General Meeting, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2016
Bloßfeld M.: GGOS and the EOP – the key role of SLR for a stable estimation of highly accurate Earth orientation parameters (invited). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Bloßfeld M.: Contribution of consistent laser observations to Earth system sciences. 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, 2016
Bloßfeld M.: SLR research activities and products @ DGFI-TUM (invited). EGSIEM General Assembly, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2016
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Müller H., Schmid R., Seitz M., Zeitlhöfler J.: Ein Vergleich der aktuellsten ITRS-Realisierungen: ITRF2014, DTRF2014 und JTRF2014. Geodätische Woche 2016, HCU Hamburg, Hamburg, 2016
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Schmid R., Seitz M.: Report of the ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI-TUM. IERS Directing Board Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2016
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Seitz M., Schmid R.: DTRF2014 products for station coordinates and EOP. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016 (Poster)
Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Kehm A., Angermann D.: A comparison of ITRF2014, DTRF2014 and JTRF2014 using SLR. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016 (Poster)
Bloßfeld M., Panafidina N., Seitz M.: Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terrestrial geodetic datum parameters - status report PN 6. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, Germany, 2016
Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M., Erdogan E.: Thermospheric density estimation from SLR observations of LEO satellites - a case study with the ANDE-Pollux satellite. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016 (Poster)
Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M., Panzetta F., Erdogan E.: Interactions of Low-Orbiting Satellites with the Surrounding Ionosphere and Thermosphere (INSIGHT). DFG INSIGHT project meeting, Hannover, Germany, 2016
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D., Schmid R.: The most recent DGFI-TUM realization of the ITRS: DTRF2014. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, Germany, 20, 2016
Boergens E., Buhl S., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Seitz F.: The kriging method for combining multi-mission altimetry over the Mekong River. ESA Living Planet Symposia 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016 (Poster)
Boergens E., Buhl S., Dettmering D., Seitz F.: River level monitoring based on multi-mission altimetry and spatio-temporal kriging - a case study in the Mekong river basin. OSTST 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (Poster)
Börger K., Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Erdogan, E., Seitz F., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J. Mrotzek N., Venzmer M.: Global VTEC-modelling in near real-time based on space geodetic techniques, adapted B-spline expansions and Kalman-filtering including observations of the Sun's radiation. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Cipollini P., Calafat F. M., Clarizia M. P., Gommenginger C., Passaro M., Snaith H.: Advances in Satellite Altimetry and GNSS-Reflectometry for monitoring world’s oceans and coasts. SPIE Remote Sensing 2016, Edimburgh, 2016
Dettmering D., Schwatke C.: Global multi-mission crossover analysis: performance of Jason-3 and other new data sets. 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting, La Rochelle, France, 2016
Dettmering D., Strehl F., Schwatke C., Seitz F.: Satellite Altimetry and SAR remote sensing for monitoring inundation in the Pantanal Wetland. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prage, Czech Republic, 2016-05-09/13 (Poster), 2016
Drewes H., Sánchez L.: The Velocity Model for SIRGAS 2010-2015 (VEMOS2015). Symposium SIRGAS 2016, 2016
Erdogan E., Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M.: Thermosphere - Ionosphere coupling: a data assimilation approach based on ionosphere measurements. 1st colloquium of the SPP 1788 - Dynamic Earth, Bonn, Germany, 2016 (Poster)
Erdogan E., Goss A., Schmidt M., Dettmering D,, Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Mrotzek N.: Using DORIS data in an OPerational Tool for Ionospheric MApping and Prediction. International Doris Service Workshop (IDS), La Rochelle, France, 2016
Erdogan E., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Dettmering D., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W. Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Mrotzek N. : The combination of satellite observation techniques for sequential ionosphere VTEC modeling . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Erdogan E., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Dettmering D., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W. F., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Mrotzek N.: VTEC Modelling Using Space Geodetic Techniques with Different Latencies and Sun Observations. Beacon Satellite Symposium,Trieste, Italy, 2016
Erdogan E., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Dettmering D., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W. F., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Mrotzek N.: Estimation of Global Ionosphere VTEC Maps by the Combination of Satellite Observation Techniques based on Kalman-Filtering. Beacon Satellite Symposium, Trieste, Italy, 2016
Gómez-Enri J., Cipollini P., Passaro M., Vignudelli S., Coca J.: Recomputed Sea State Bias Correction for coastal altimeter products. ESA Living Planet 2016, 2016
Gómez-Enri J., Cipollini P., Passaro M., Vignudelli S., Coca J.: Accurate coastal altimeter products in the Strait of Gibraltar: ready for exploitation. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (Poster)
Goss A., Erdogan E., Schmidt M.: Daten- und signal-adaptive Darstellung von vertikalen TEC Werten unter Verwendung von B-Spline Basisfunktionen. Geodätische Woche 2016, Hamburg , 2016
Goss A., Schindelegger M., Seitz F. : Numerical simulation of short period Earth rotation variations induced by ocean tides. EGU, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Göttl F., Schwatke C., Dettmering D.: Combination of Envisat, CryoSat-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA measurements for estimating water level variations of lakes. ESA Living Planet Symposia 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016 (Poster)
Hinrichs J., Bothmer V., Mrotzek N., Venzmer M., Erdogan E., Dettmering D., Limberger M., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Kersten W.: Impacts of Space Weather Effects on the Ionospheric Vertical Total Electron Content . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Kehm A., Bloßfeld M., Pavlis E., Seitz F.: Future global SLR network evolution and its impact on the terrestrial reference frame. GGOS PLATO Working Group Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Kehm A., Bloßfeld M., Pavlis E., Seitz F.: Future global SLR network evolution and its impact on the terrestrial reference frame. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Kehm A., Bloßfeld M., Seitz F.: Verbesserungspotential für die Realisierung geodätischer Referenzrahmen durch ein weiterentwickeltes globales SLR-Stationsnetz. Geodätische Woche 2016, HCU Hamburg, Hamburg, 2016
Klopotek G., Artz T., Bellanger A., Bourda G., Gerstl M., Gordon D., Halsig S., Hjelle G.A., Hugentobler U., Iddink A., Kirkvik A.S., Lambert S., Plank L., Schmid R., Shu F., Titov O., Tong F., Wang G., Xu M., Zheng W.: Results from the VLBI Analysis Software Comparison Campaign 2015 (VASCC2015). 9th IVS General Meeting, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2016
Legeais J.-F., Cazenave A., Benveniste J., Ablain M., Larnicol G., Meyssignac B., Scharffenberg M., Johannessen J., Timms G., Rudenko S., Roca M., Andersen O., Cipollini P., Balmaseda M., Fernandes J., Quartly G., Fenoglio-Marc L., Passaro M., Ambrózio A., Restano M.: A new ECV release (v2.0) to accurately measure the sea level change from the ESA Climate Change Initiative. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2016
Legeais J.-F., Cazenave A., Benveniste J., Ablain M., Larnicol G., Meyssignac B., Scharffenberg M., Johannessen J., Timms G., Rudenko S., Roca M., Andersen O., Cipollini P., Balmaseda M., Fernandes J., Quartly G., Fenoglio-Marc L., Passaro M., Ambrózio A., Restano M.: A New ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change from the ESA Climate Change Initiative. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (Poster)
Müller F., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Bosch W.: Sea Ice Leads and Polynya Detection using Multi-Mission altimetry in the Greenland Sea. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, European Space Agency, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
Müller F., Passaro M., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Bosch W.: Unsupervised classification of multi-mission altimetry data for open water detection in the Greenland Sea. OSTST 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (Poster)
Müller H., Bloßfeld M.: Quality control and bias analysis at DGFI-TUM. 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, 2016
Panzetta F., Erdogan E., Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M.: Studies on the ionospheric-thermospheric coupling mechanisms using SLR. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Passaro M., Cipollini P., Fenoglio-Marc L.: Measuring Coastal Significant Wave Height from Radar Altimetry with ALES Retracker. Brazilian Symposium on Water Waves, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016
Passaro M., Cipollini P., Hausman J,, Quartly G. D., Snaith H. M.: Improved Multi-mission Coastal Altimetry from the ALES Global Dataset. ESA Living Planet 2016, 2016
Passaro M., Cipollini P., Quartly G. D., Snaith H. M., Dinardo S., Benveniste J., Lucas B.: Coastal altimetry improves the understanding of sea level variability at regional scales. 1st Joint Commission and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016
Passaro M., Dinardo S., Quartly G. D., Snaith H. M., Benveniste J., Cipollini P.,Lucas B.: Cross-calibrating ALES Envisat and Cryosat-2 Delay-Doppler: a coastal altimetry study in the Indonesian Seas. ESA Living Planet 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
Passaro M., Müller F., Dettmering D.: Exploring Cryosat-2 stack data for nadir-lead detection in sea-ice regions. SAR Altimetry Wokshop, La Rochelle, France, 2016
Quartly G.D., Smith W., Passaro M.: Intra-1 Hz Correlations. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016
Rebischung P., Schmid R.: Preparations for the IGS realization of ITRF2014. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Rebischung P., Schmid R.: IGS14/igs14.atx: a new framework for the IGS products. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016 (Poster)
Rebischung P., Schmid R.: IGS transition to ITRF2014. IERS Directing Board Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2016
Riddell A., Moore M., Schmid R., Schmitz M.: Insights into the IGS master antenna. IGS Workshop 2016, Sydney, Australia, 2016 (Poster)
Rudenko S., Esselborn S., Schöne T., Dettmering D., Neumayer K.-H.: Assessment of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites. 2016 IDS Workshop, La Rochelle, France, 2016
Rudenko S., Esselborn S., Schöne T., Dettmering D., Neumayer K.-H.: Assessment of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting 2016, La Rochelle, France, 2016
Sánchez L.: Recent activities of the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS - IGS RNAAC SIRGAS. Symposium SIRGAS 2016, Quito, Ecuador, 2016
Sánchez L.: Unified Height System: Required measurements and expected products. GGOS Days 2016, Cambridge MA, USA, 2016
Sánchez L.: Working Group on the Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS): Brainstorming and definition of action items. Splinter meeting at the International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, 2016
Sánchez L.: GGOS Focus Area 1: Unified Height System, Present activities. GGOS Coordinating Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Pail R., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Ågren J., Sideris M., Novák P.: Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Symposium SIRGAS 2016, Quito, Ecuador, 2016
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Pail R., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Ågren J., Sideris M., Novák P.: Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). GGHS2016: International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016
Schlaffer S., Dettmering D., Chini M.: Relationships between C-band SAR backscatter and wetland water height from altimeter. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016-05-09/13 (Poster), 2016
Schlicht A., Bamann Ch., Marz S., Schwatke C., Schreiber U., Prochazka I.: Status of the ELT data center. 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 2016
Schlicht A., Reußner E., Marz S., Pail R., Xiong C., Lühr H., Stolle C., Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Panzetta F., Svitlov S., Fluy J.: Introducing the INSIGHT Project. 1st colloquium of the DFG SPP 1788 'Dynamic Earth' , DFG, Bonn, Germany, 2016
Schlicht A., Reußner E., Pail R., Lühr H., Stolle C., Xiong C., Schmidt M., Bloßfeld M., Panzetta F., Erdogan E., Flury J.: INSIGHT (interaction of low-orbiting satellites with the surrounding ionosphere and thermosphere). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Schmid R.: Splinter Meeting of the IGS Antenna Working Group. IGS Workshop 2016, Sydney, Australia, 2016
Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Angermann D.: DGFI part of project PN 5 - status report. Projekttreffen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, Germany, 2016
Schmidt M.: Global Change Monitoring by Satellite Altimetry and Ionosphere Sounding at DGFI-TUM . Technical Network Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring , Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2016
Schmidt M.: Global Change Monitoring by Satellite Altimetry and Ionosphere Sounding at DGFI-TUM . Technical Network Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring , Tongij University, Shanghai, China, 2016
Schmidt M. : Global Change Monitoring by Satellite Altimetry and Ionosphere Sounding at DGFI-TUM . Thematic Network Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring , Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping , Beijing, China, 2016
Schmidt M., Bloßfeld M., Erdogan E., Müller H.: Thermospheric density estimation using SLR observations to very low Earth orbiters. IAG commission 4 Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland, 2016
Schmidt M., Bloßfeld M., Erdogan E., Panzetta F.: Thermospheric density estimation from SLR observations to LEO satellites. 1st Colloquium of the SPP 1788 Dynamic Earth, DFG, Bonn, Germany, 21, 2016
Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Dettmering D., Goss A., Seitz F., Brandert S., Börger K., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J.: Modelling the global vertical total electron content by adaptive approaches. SGI Workshop 2016, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2016
Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Goss A.,Seitz F., Dettmering D., Börger K., Brandert S., Görres B., Bothmer V., Hinrichs J., Venzmer M., Mrotzek N.: Combination of Space Geodetic Observations in a Kalman Filter for an Estimation of the Global Vertical Total Electron Content. Positioning and Navigation, International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Commission 4 Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland, 2016
Schwatke C.: EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) – Recent developments of the EDC. 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 2016 (Poster)
Schwatke C.: EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) – Status Report 2014-2016. 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam, Germany, 2016 (Poster)
Schwatke C., Dettmering D.: Database for Hydrological Time Series of Inland Waters (DAHITI). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016 (Poster)
Schwatke C., Dettmering D.: DAHITI - An Innovative Approach for Estimating Water Level Time Series over Inland Water using Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Boergens E., Seitz F.: DAHITI - Pegelstände aus dem Weltall. Aktuelles zu Wasserforschung - eine Ausstellung des TUM Wasser Cluster, TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach, Burghausen, Germany, 2016 (Poster)
Seitz F.: Realization of global and regional geometrical reference systems of highest accuracy at DGFI-TUM. First Workshop of DAAD Thematic Network “Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring', Stuttgart, 2016
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M.: Combination of techniques at CC DGFI. COL final meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, 2016
Seitz M., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M., Schmid R.: Report of the ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI-TUM. IERS Directing Board Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Schmid R.: DTRF2014: the new DGFI realization of the ITRS. IGS Workshop 2016, Sydney, Australia, 2016
Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Schmid R.: Non-linear station motions in the DGFI realization of the ITRF2014. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016
Steigenberger P., Montenbruck O., Fritsche M., Uhlemann M., Dach R., Prange L., Schmid R.: Estimation of satellite antenna phase center offsets for Galileo. IGS Workshop 2016, Sydney, Australia, 2016
Talpe J., Nerem R., Lemoine F., Bloßfeld M.: Influence of SLR Solutions on Reconstructions of Polar Ice Sheet Melt from Time-Variable Gravity using GRACE. ESA Living Planet Symposia, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
Talpe M., Nerem S., Lemoine F. G., Forootan E., Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M.: Extending the record of terrestrial water storage (TWS) in major continental basins from time-variable gravity. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016 (Poster)

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